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La Welcome Party 2023!

La Welcome Party 2023!


Product Description

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ English Version ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
A Night You Won’t Remember But You Will Never Forget !
31/08, from 20:00, a Welcome Party organized by Le Gorilla Project and Gotoo Lille for you guys!
No matter that you are an exchange student, foreigners or just a new arrival, this party is made for you!
Here’s your chance to meet new friends from all over the world in this multicultural environment.
Many surprises are waiting for you in this party!
Wonderful music Mascot photographer and others …
If you are Exchange/Erasmus student, Expatriate, or just new in Lille, this event is the place to be!
Are you Ready?
Free Shoots for First Comers!
Don’t forget to Register: Here
✎ Pratical infos:
Direction: Basecamp , 3 rue Massena 59800 Lille
Entrance : Free
Time: From 8:00pm to 4:00am

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ French Version ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄
Une nuit dont tu n’auras aucun souvenir mais que tu n’oublieras jamais!
Le Gorilla Project et Gotoo Lille te donnent rendez-vous au Basecamp le 31 Août à partir de 20:00 pour La Welcome Party 2023!
Que tu sois un(e) étudiant(e) Erasmus/en Échange, un Expat ou juste nouveau sur Lille, cet évent est fait pour toi!
Ce sera l’occasion pour toi de rencontrer tes futurs amis internationaux dans un cadre idéal et international.
De nombreuses surprises t’attendent lors de cette soirée.
Musique Mascotte photographe et bien d’autres….
Are you ready?!?
Free Shoots for First Comers!
Don’t forget to Register: Here
✎ Pratical infos:
Direction: Base Camp Lille Officiel, 3 rue Massena 59800 Lille
Entrance : Free
Time: From 8:00pm to 4:00am